Migraine and Headache Specialists New Braunfels TX
Now Treating Patients in New Braunfels, TX With the Advanced Treatment
4,200+ of our previous patients from Texas and around the world no longer need to avoid triggers, take medications & injections, or continue with other non-lasting therapies and treatments (such as acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, supplements, and other interventions).*
*No upfront charges until you are approved, and consent to treatment.
*Please take the entire survey, or we cannot review your application.
*Still have Questions? CLICK HERE to visit our Quick-Answers FAQ HelpCenter.

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Migraine and Headache Specialists New Braunfels TX
New Braunfels, TX, is one of the cities where treatment with Texas Migraine Clinic is available. The unique treatment system used here is the most developed of its type. It is currently the most effective form of treatment for most headaches and migraines. It is not related to the general practice of neurology that deals with headaches and migraines. Nor is it related to any other widely available treatments.
Why is what we do different?
The treatment system in use is fix-focused; meaning, that it is not pain management based or preventative based. As it stands right now, most migraine and headache treatments can be placed into those two categories (pain management and preventatives). Pain Management for headaches and migraines is any treatment that focuses only on reducing your pain. Pain killers, for example, are pain managers. They do not fix anything. They do, however, temporarily stop the pain. Preventatives also do not fix anything but function to prevent the frequency or intensity of headaches and migraines. Both Preventatives and Pain Managers focus on treating the symptoms and not the underlying issue that causes the symptoms themselves.
Dr. Jeffery Turner founded Texas Migraine Clinic. For several years, Dr. Turner has been one of the leading pioneers in sustainable and lasting migraine treatments. In 2003, Dr. Turner found what he believed to be the root of most headaches and migraines. He found that there was underlying damaged tissue (internal wound) that would set off headaches and migraines if not treated. Over the following years, Dr. Turner developed a proper treatment system through thousands of clinical trials and patient treatments.
More About the Treatment System
The treatment system, since its first stages of development, has been entirely non-invasive. Non-invasive treatments are treatments that do not negatively impact the body. Medications are generally not in the category of non-invasive because they often cause side effects. This treatment focuses on assisting your body in healing the underlying damaged tissue. It can be explained a little better with an analogy.
Let's just say that you dislocated your shoulder playing sports or by having a bad fall. And because it hurts so bad, you head to the hospital. After being admitted, the doctor gives you pain medication. The medication, of course, did not fix the issue but did dampen the pain. After you take the pain medication, the doctor then proceeds to re-locate your shoulder. Finally, it falls back into place, and you are given a set of instructions of do-s and don'ts for at home so you can assist your shoulder in the healing process. In the end, after it is healed correctly, you no longer feel the pain you had.
A dislocated shoulder is similar to the treatment system in use at Texas Migraine Clinic because it focuses on the root issue that needs to be addressed. And once it is dealt with correctly, the pain dissipates once and for all. Not every patient does get the result of complete relief from their headaches and migraines with our treatment system; however, most experience drastic and evident reductions in the frequency and intensity of their headaches and migraines. And this is without ongoing treatment. Because this treatment is not ongoing, there is only a set number of visits needed before no longer needing to be treated for headaches and migraines.
Remote Treatment
Dr. Turner developed the treatment system to be self-sufficient. It is oriented around having patients fix their own problems. By one-on-one interaction between the patient and the practitioner, patients are walked through the exact steps needed to assist their body in removing their headaches and migraines. This enables treatment to be over a video call. The online form of treatment with Texas Migraine Clinic has already been developed and in practice for several years. After Covid-19, all treatment was permanently moved online. Patients are able to be treated from their homes.
The Second Focus of Texas Migraine Clinic
Our first focus on the treatment system in use, as discussed earlier, is to create lasting relief for patients' headaches and migraines. The second focus is something that happens as a result of the treatment itself. One of the many overlooked issues with headaches and migraines is the negative impact it has on sufferers' lives. Three main things are affected directly with headaches and migraines… especially if they are chronic. First is productivity, second is mental health, and the third is the social environment. All of these are very closely related and interlock with each other. Because all three interlock, it means that if one is affected enough, both of the others can be affected as well.
Productivity and Responsibility
To start, we will look at productivity. Productivity and responsibility go hand in hand. Both productivity and responsibility are what enable you to check off your to do's list. If you are a parent, you have the responsibility to provide and take care of them, and this can be at home or on the job. Migraines and headaches can inflict lethargy, brain fog, and pain so bad that you cannot focus on your tasks at hand. Brain fog is similar to grogginess. Your sense of focus and decision making is dulled, causing the work you do to take longer than it should. Not being able to perform at your standard rate causes even more issues in itself. It is not difficult for the valuable responsibilities that migraine and headache sufferers do have to fall away.
Mental Health
This leads us next to mental health. The repercussions of living a lifestyle built around avoiding the symptoms and attacks of migraines and headaches are numerous. Even though the list can be made relatively long on this, we will be looking primarily at two things. There has been a positive correlation between depression and anxiety with migraines and headaches. And this may be a bi-product of a sense of purposelessness or impinged productivity. It may also just be primarily the inability to fulfill the expectations others have, or you have for yourself because you cannot function properly.
The Social Environment
The next leading issue is the social environment. Your social environment is the people you are around. Usually, this is more prominent with Chronic migraines and headaches. Many experience that they are often unable to leave the house because of their symptoms. Being forced to stay at home tears them away from their social groups and other activities. And if they do want to, planning is not really an option when taking into account the unpredictability of the attacks. For the extroverted population who experience this, this is often worse than the pain itself.
As mentioned earlier, all of these things can be related to each other in one way or another. For example, both productivity and social environment can directly affect your mental health, and vice versa. Trigger avoidance is one of the other main impact factors of these glaring issues. Avoiding anything and everything that may increase the problem, or initiate an attack is a cage in itself. It forces you away from many things, and may even confine you to your home. (More info. On triggers at the bottom of the page.)
How Our Second Focus Affects Productivity, Mental Health, and The Social Environment
This is where our second focus comes into play. As mentioned earlier, we treat the problem at its source and focus on completely fixing the problem entirely. And because of this, the issues with mental health, productivity, and social environment, are also resolved to an extent. (only to the amount the problem itself caused). As a small example, if the migraine issue is done away with, there is no longer a terrible sensitivity to light (a trigger). This means that you do not have to coop yourself up in a dark room for hours on end. Being free of your triggers enables you to get stuff done, and to be able to do what you want.
Our Drive
Dr. Turner says that knowing that his work is impacting people's lives is one reason he has continued to drive forward. It has been a driving force for him since the beginning of the development of his program. The rest of the staff also share this same hope, knowing that what we do may be helping a patient in ways we never could expect. Each patient has their own story, and it is our pleasure to see them thrive.
- Highly Effective Treatment
- Usual Result: 92% Lasting Migraine & Headache Pain Relief for Successful Patients Who Adhere to Our Treatment*
*Required for all applicants to take.
*Please take the entire survey, or we cannot review your application.
*No upfront charges until you are approved, and consent to treatment.
About Advanced Treatment for New Braunfels, TX Patients
For 17 years, Texas Migraine Clinic has been seeking to provide the highest level of migraine and headache relief possible. In this pursuit, our Advanced Treatment was first initiated, and has been developed to the highest level of expertise.
This highly specialized migraine & headache treatment is currently only available at Texas Migraine Clinic in this particular and highly optimized form. New Braunfels patients can now be treated through virtual online webcam sessions using the live video Zoom App. During treatment, a migraine headache specialist will treat you in one-on-one sessions. Traveling outside of the New Braunfels area is not necessary to be treated by a specialist due to this remote treatment option. We've found that patients' treatment outcomes for who decide to have the remote treatment option are just as good as if they showed up to our clinic in-person.*
This is because we know exactly what we're looking for in our patients.*
In-clinic treatment for New Braunfels residents is also available if preferred. If you are looking for a migraine headache doctor or specialist in New Braunfels TX, get in touch with us, so we can help you get the migraine or headache relief you've been searching for.
To get started, take the Admission Survey above, so we can review your particular condition & symptom patterns, and let you know whether or not we believe our Advanced Treatment will be a good fit for you.
Here is a longer list of Triggers
-Aged cheeses
-Artificial Sweeteners
-Caffeine (if in withdrawal or having too much)
-Citrus fruits
-Cured Meats
-Dried FishDried Nuts
-Fatigue (Too much)
-Food Additives (NMSG, Nitrates, Nitrites)
-Lights (Glare, Bright, or Flashing)
-Menstrual Periods
-Noise (Loud or prolonged)
-Nuts (Because of Tyramine)
-Odors / Strong Smells
-Salt (in high quantity)
-Not enough food (or Fasting)
-Temperature (If too cold or warm)
-Watching Movies / TV
*This is not a full list, only a list of generic and common migraine and headache triggers.
Does it work for everyone?
No, although it does work for the majority of people with migraines. There are many different factors to consider, and everyone's issue may differ slightly. The chances of migraines and headaches coming from a different root is a possibility, though quite rare.
This natural migraine and headache treatment is entirely non-invasive. It is only to assist your body in fixing itself where the issue lies. Your body cannot heal on its own unless the root issue is resolved. No matter which treatment system you pursue, we are hoping the best for you.