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Congratulations & Welcome In!

You're now booked for your consult, and we're excited to get you on your way to lasting relief from these problems by first seeing if you're a fit for what we do.


Instructions & Next Steps:

We'll guide you over the next 2 steps in order to complete setting up your Consultation:

Step 1: Schedule Your Consultation

On the next page, after you click the "Schedule My Session" button below, you'll be able to schedule your Consultation using our online scheduler.

Step 2: Take the Symptom Health Survey

After you schedule your Consultation session, you'll be automatically redirected to the Symptom Health Survey. Be sure to take this comprehensive Symptom Health Survey. This survey will give us additionally important information that your Specialist will need to know regarding your symptoms and symptom patterns. Both your Symptom Health Survey as well as your Consultation Session will help us determine with high accuracy if you'll be a good fit.

*If you have any questions along the way, email us at [email protected], so that we can assist. Thank You.